Studies show that when it comes to business world, women dominate in the areas of marketing, PR and human resources, and our 100 % female team of commercial-loving professionals proves it day in and day out.
We are FCB Afirma and we are a part of the global FCB network that has been finding new ways of advertising and bringing products and services closer to consumers for more than 140 years.
We're a large enough agency to provide regional support for some of the world’s biggest brands, yet small enough for easy, open hearted and simple relationship with our clients.
Our strategy is to always have the right strategy for each brand, and our work is best advertised with our best advertising works.
Start the day your way!
Veliko regionalno istraživanje potvrdilo je nešto što smo zapravo već znali - da svatko od nas ima svoje malene rituale kojima započinje dan, a mi smo na temelju dobivenih rezultata odlučili napraviti kampanju i još jednom dokazati da IKEA ima rješenje za sve!
Black & White
Rarely in life are things black and white. And it’s even more difficult for them to remain that way. Unless of course, you use NIVEA Black & White deodorant...
Without a good relationship there is no good cooperation. Therefore we are very happy to have the privilege to work with the best. Here are some of our great clients who gave us their trust and made possible for us to come to work to move boundaries every day. Ours, as much as theirs.
Ulica Grada Vukovara 224,
T +385 1 558 3173